Monday, May 22, 2006

catapillar whisperer

Hallie loves the black fuzzy catapillars. ok, she loves anything that has 4 legs, or 6 legs or no legs....she had one catapillar - "Callie" that she has been taking care of and today we were coming in from school.
she said "Oh mommy! Help me save her! There is a catapillar stuck in a spider's web!"
sure enough - she saw a catapillar between the wall and air conditioning condenser. I bent down to look - it was curled up in a ball, and I told her I thought it was dead.
She said "No, it's alive, poke it- they don't stay curled up when they are dead and he is curled up and he isn't in pieces, when they die and get all dry they break in pieces and he is whole."
Seems like sound logic, so I pull it out of the spider web and hand it to her. It moved a bit and she was sooo happy it was alive.
"Thank you! Mommy! You saved her!" **pause** "Now how do I get the spider web and dirt off her?"
I told her to brush it off and pick it off and then put it in Callie's house.
Unloading the car I hear "OK!! I cleaned her off, now how do I DRY her off??"
Me: "Ummmmm....YOU WASHED HER??"
Hallie: "Yeah, in the sink, but not with soap"
Me: "Is she still alive"
Hallie: "yeah....ummm, yeah she is!"
I told her to put her on a Kleenex and put her in Callie's House. Thinking to myself "Hmmm, where can I find another one when she kicks the bucket from drowning?"
She named her Cassie and she loves carrots. Cassie is ok, a bit damp, but just fine.


Blogger Jen Martakis said...

I loooove fuzzy catepillars. Such cute photos and what a sweet story. It's one of those that makes you say Awwwwwww!

6:44 AM  
Blogger Tupelo Honey said...

that is a beautiful post! what a nurturing soul! that's the age when ANYTHING is possible!

7:16 AM  
Blogger Kike said...

Ha, ha, ha...!! That was sweet! Ha, ha, ha... And it made me laugh. May that bug live for a long time, for your daughter's happiness.

Greetings for you, your daughter, Cassie and Callie :-)


11:04 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Perks said...

Awwwww, what a sweet sweet story! Hallie is just so adorable! BTW, I love her dalmation outfit! Is that a dress?? Too cute. Fits with her animal-loving personality. :-) Jen

1:05 PM  
Blogger Shelly said...

Meganne has a dead butterfly in her jewelry box as I type this. So I can totally relate :)

12:53 PM  

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