Wednesday, February 14, 2007


davi is on the 5th and 6th grade girls soccer team at school- they are 2-0 so far :)

she plays defender and does a pretty good job
I bring the orange wedges and grapes for half time
they had a big turnout for the team- 23! so the coach decided to keep all the girls and just rotate the girls, so she has like 2 players for each postition which works out well.
Davi is excited to play soccer again and it is a good bonding experience for the 5th and 6th graders.
After the first practice, davi wanted to make the team hair ties - so we went to Micheals and got some soccer ball ribbon and red ribbon that "sparkles in the sun" (as davi said) and I cut and she tied 24 of them. She wanted to make one for the coach too.

Friday, February 02, 2007


back from CHA

Hey you can see some of CHA if you click play on the video above this- Next week you will be able to see interviews and new product lines from CHA each day on

CHA was great and I met up with a lot of friends. Amazing show!! 4 days of scrapbooking and the latest and greatest products!! wow!! now you know why I lost my voice :)

Tons of new products and of course the Queen & Co booth had an awesome new line!!

need a url again