Wednesday, October 31, 2007


We hope you’ll be joining us at Scrapbooks Etc.’s online event, Scrap-A-Faire. Scrapbook LifeStyle has our own exhibitor’s booth and we have a few live chats scheduled throughout the Nov 2nd- Nov 11th event. You’re sure to find some of us chatting in the live chat lounge as well. Don’t forget to sign up for classes- Scrapbook LifeStyle cast designer Leah Fung (and contributing editor to Scrapbooks Etc.) is offering 2 classes this faire. This is a great way to be able to attend the world’s biggest online scrapping event- all from the comfort of your own home. You can even stay in your jammies if you would like! We hope to see you there!
Register at the Scrapbooks Etc website
You can see some of Leah's classes on our Etsy site

Monday, October 29, 2007

this is me

Scrapbook Lifestyle

hey I am on Scrapbook Lifestyle this week.
thanks for watching

Hippie Chick

I made a few kits this weekend for the Etsy site - love the blue paper with the bird..hmmm, I should make one for myself.
went and did a make and take at yellow bird scrapbook store and met some really nice ladies, one in particular
was super fun and even did a cute little post on her blog with photos about the make and take :) - thanks Andrea!!
I got to see my friends Sonya and Melissa and Melissa's new baby boy, Charlie, he is sweet and patient and very very cute!! his eyes are amazing and he will be a hit with the ladies when he is older (we women love the eyes)

Friday, October 26, 2007

look what Hallie made :)

My flower has the white flowers in the middle,

Hallie's is the flower with the black center and on a black background

The fire is still not out...**sigh** so I decided to just sit and have some quiet time with Hallie. I was stitching some flowers for etsy ( ) and she wanted to make one, so I helped her cut some felt and she sooo patiently stitched around the edge. she didn't get frustrated or impatient, she kept making small stitches all the way to the end. then she put the flowers on and the beads. sometimes she would pull the thread and un thread the needle, but she was so patient. she said she made "a Queen & Co colored flower" :) I think she did GREAT for 7!! I am impressed.
she was so cute sewing so intently. it was nice quality time with Hallie
P.S. Leah and I are adding more items to our Etsy each day.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

just thought this was perfect

just thought this summed it up. this little petunia covered in ash. I can hear sirens as I type this, it may be just the highway patrol after a person with expired tags, but it makes you tense no matter. your heart skips a beat. after the 2003 fires I would freak out if I smelled smoke- the smell of a BBQ would send my kids into tears. our games of "I spy" while traveling in the car would go like this:
Hallie: I spy something black
Me: the rock?
Hallie: Nope
Davi: the dirt?
Me: the call box?
Hallie: Nope...the tree!!
Davi: My turn!! I spy something dark gray
Me: the gaurd rail?
Hallie: the fence?
Davi : No to both!
and so it would go on

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

wild fires updates

On sunday the santa ana winds picked up suddenly. I had heard there was going to be some santa ana winds that weekend, but nothing new for October in Southern California. The girls and I were at a beach house not far from Malibu when the winds picked up sharply and I could smell fire. I knew we needed to pack and go back to san diego - if a fire started south of us we could be cut off from coming home.

A huge amount of ash is dumping all over the county. this is only after a few hours- after a trip to check on the house - the orange tint is the sun shining through the smoke in the air. everyone looks like George Hamilton. very tan. They warn against playing in the ash or touching it, it may have lead paint dont know what the ash is.

This is a photo coming up our street- the humidity was 2% and 4% that is not clouds- although white smoke is better than black smoke, this is the view to the south west- ish
this is a photo to the south east of our home- too close for me. although the fires in 2003 burned right in our neighborhood and across the road. so many homes in 2003 burned in our zip code our insurance wouldnt carry us any longer.

this is a photo of driving to my parents, this is not the sunset- it is the glow of the fire to the north of us. it lights up the sky even though it was probably 15 miles north. our whole house smells like a BBQ.

sorry I cant think of anything catchy to say about the title, so tired and so sad for everyone who has had to evacuate and then come home to their home and memories burned.
we evacuated voluntarily, we didnt wait for a reverse 911 call. I thought it would be easier on the girls to leave before having 15 minutes to get out. Its so hard to know what to do when you have to move 2 little girls by yourself. we were lucky to have somewhere to go to. I was lucky to have time to pack, and we came home to our house untouched. we are lucky. we havent unpacked since a bit down the road may be evacuated tonight if the winds shift, better just stay packed one more day. :) my parents are fine, we are good, missy loved my mom and dads house :) the girls have the week off of school. we are truly blessed. we have power and phone. I am tired and sleep with the tv on, checking the fires and wind updates. we have a lot to be thankful for - thanks to everyone who has called, prayed and checked in on us. Thanks to my parents who took us in, and a two cars and listened to crickets chirp (food for the gecko) and took in a cat, gecko, hermit crab, two mice and a parakeet :) and fed us all, my dad even gave the mice cheese :)

Friday, October 12, 2007


I have been tagged by my friend Julie ann Shaihn

I am to list 7 random things about me:
the word random is hilarious when it comes to me.

1. the thought of drinking milk grosses me out. I am not a baby cow. I prefer soy :)

2. I am currently working on perfecting a hummus recipe.

3. I can barely tell my left from right

4. I love coffee ice cream

5. I love pedicures

6. I look forward to making my kids costumes for halloween, it is a challenge

7. I love flying. big planes, small planes, just love it.

I will now tag 7 of my friends, but I dont have time to tag them today :)

Jen Martikis
Jen Perks
Candace Carpenter
aubrey harns
Melisa Sanchez
angela daniels
wendy reed

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Leah Fung and I just launched our ETSY site, wow, we have sold 5 things already!!! soooo exciting :)

please visit our site often and check out what is new
