Tuesday, December 16, 2008


This is a note from Scrapbook Royalty- I will be posting on their blog on December 21st. For more information, click on the pink "our blog" link. That will take you to the SBR blog.

Good Luck!!
your scrappy friend,
Johanna Peterson

December 13th through 24th Scrapbook Royalty will be giving away 78 gifts!
A Royal Hunt!

Starting this Saturday, December 13th, visit
our blog {Scrapbook Royalty Blog} everyday for some fun facts and a little scavenger hunt to win presents! Sucessfully complete the hunt and post your answer in a comment on that day's blog post. Scrapbook Royalty will draw one winner each day from the correct answers. The best part is, each day SBR will add another gift! On the 12th day, the winner will recieve 12 gifts!

SBR will have guest bloggers as well! The instructors from the Royal Slumber Crop are on the list and a host of other wonderful giving charitable crafters! There is no catch and no cost, we just want to give back a little to the community that has helped make Scrapbook Royalty a success.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Friday

wow- friday already again!!
just a few reminders...
there is a new video for Candy Cane Fridays up today at Leah's Blog. There is a link to the right------> {but you don't need it since you all have it bookmarked}
there will be a bonus video on Saturday - YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!!
There is still room for the Royal Slumber Party - link in the post under this! amazing price for the crop, and for such a good cause too!
There are just a handful of spots left for the Yellow Bird Scrapbook Cruise. Here is a bit of info http://thecruisecrew.com/bb/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=27&sid=ebbc073f52561ed41d29b96ae001dcb4 and here is a link to Yellow Bird Scrapbook store http://yellowbirdscrapbooking.com/
Take care, I will post soon- have a bunch to catch up on :)

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Royal Slumber Party Crop

Hey everyone, just wanted to remind you about getting registered for the March 14th event Leah Fung, Donna Salazar, Stephanie Ackerman and I { johanna peterson } am teaching at. It is for charity and just an amazing price for a great crop! It's only $75 for the 2 day crop including 2 classes of your choice and $95 if you want to take all 4 classes.
Can't wait for the event myself, you know how much I love hanging out with Leah & Donna.
Here is a link: http://scrapbookroyalty.com/slumbercrop.html - Hurry though, the last I heard it looks like it will be a full event!

Also, friday...look for a new video blog on leah's blog. CANDY CANE FRIDAY'S are back. there is a link to the videos to the right -------> {Leah and Johanna's Scrappy Videos }. We had a great time making some new videos. enjoy!