Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter

Happy and Blessed Easter everyone. This Easter is especially significant for me and the girls. While we celebrate our risen Lord, and new beginnings, we are starting our new life here. While at my lowest, darkest days, I have felt God's strength, blessings and guidance the most. When things were the worst, I felt God's love the most. I have had so many miracles in my life in the last few weeks, from unimaginable generosity of total strangers, amazing people coming into my life to help me, a friend finding me after 21 years and many prayers said for me and answered. I realize that many in the same situation may feel abandoned by God and/or friends/family, but my faith is strengthened and renewed. It is clearer than ever how much I am loved by so many and God has made his presence known. My life use to be a struggle and hard, now I have let go and let God take control. For the first time in a long time, our needs are met easily, swiftly and completely. Thanks to everyone who has prayed for us, helped us, and/or offered support.

Johanna :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Focus on Photography

I am teaching my Focus on Photography class - Friday night, the 21st at Yellow Bird Scrapbook Store :) hope you can make it $15

email me for details

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Around The Block

Huge news. I have wanted to be a part of the Around The Block Design Team for a long time. I literally drooled when I found out my friend Stephanie Bernard had a spot on the DT. They have so many tools for a "McGyver" scrapper like me to be in scrappy heaven. Most of the tools come in pink!!

Today, Jennifer Straus of Around The Block personally invited me to join the Design Team. wow. I am humbled and honored.

I know my life is a bit upside down, but in the midst of this, I have rediscovered the creative person within me, and can scrap and create guilt free. There is a new balance in my life that brings with it freedom and joy.

thanks Around The Block :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

its been a while...

its been a while since I updated my blog.

thanks to everyone who has prayed for us.

thanks to everyone who has ordered off of etsy.

missy is very happy - she is a content kitty here

we went to a classmates house and fed the chickens and fed the horses

dont forget about girlfriends weekend april 5 & 6

there is a fairly new video up at leahs blog if you havent seen it- the link is to the right.I am working on editing a new one tonight.

:) until the next post, I remain -