Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So this is what 40 feels like?

Making a cake for your own birthday that you know you shouldn't eat or else you will have to double up on your pilates workout to burn it off...
"Please dance responsibly"

This was so funny. My friend Sandy and her daughter Sara got me this card. So perfect. For those of you who do not know, over the summer I was part of a infomercial for Cheryl Burke's {Dancing with the Stars} "Disco Abs". It is a Nationwide infomercial where everyone who is up at 3 am can see me dancing to "Bad Girls" "It's Raining Men" and "Disco Inferno". For a month I went to my disco dance class religiously, and then would come home and entertain the household with my latest disco dance moves. And most people who know me, know I CAN NOT DANCE! I am missing the dancing gene.

My aunt and uncle sent me a card for my birthday that said, if you scramble the letters for Happy Birthday, you get "PAPHY DIRTHABY" - it certainly feels more like Paphy Dirthaby when you turn 40.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Photo Class

Hey everyone, I am teaching October 19th (Sunday) in Victorville at Scrapbook Boulevard at 4pm.
If you are in the area, I would love it if you came by!

I am teaching my Focus on Photos class, if you haven't taken this class yet - you will not want to miss this.
Sunday, October 19th
4 pm
Scrapbook Blvd.
Victorville, Ca
(760) 948-5700
14309 Bear Valley Rd, Victorville, CA 92392