Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hello friends...this post is written to you from under a pile of scrapbooking supplies.
I am packing for Santa Maria, then the Yellow Bird Scrapbook Cruise, then the Scrapbook Royalty Royal Slumber Party Crop...then Donna tells me we are off to other places...
Each day boxes, one bigger and heavier than the next comes to my door.
other news: Hallie started a new school, I will post more about that and photos later. She LOVES it!! she is very happy and settled in.
davi is working on painting #3
I just got back from CHA. I literally am not going to unpack my bags. just head back out in 2 days.
Had a quick visit with Val and her family while up in Orange County.
Leah has a layout on page 45 of the latest Better Homes & gardens, Scrapbooks Etc. and it is about her 2 closest friends, (Donna and me) I was touched by what she wrote, and Leah: right back at you!! Ditto!!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

What Johanna Learned

a few people have asked me to post what else was written on my layout, "What Johanna Learned" - it is the layout on our latest video (#49). We decided to kick the new year off with Year in Review page ideas. As most of you know 2008 was a challenging year for most of us. I would rather focus on what I can take from the last year to make 2009 better, than focus on actual events.
The journaling reads:
1. sometimes success is admitting defeat
2. your true friends and family will love you even if you are not perfect
3. admit a mistake, accept it and live up to it
4. sometimes the right thing to do is the most difficult path to embark upon
5. happiness is a conscious decision.
6. ask for what you need, don't assume others know what you need
7. I am stronger than I know
I am smarter than I believe
I am more determined than I realize
8. God has my back
I hope all of us start to learn from our mistakes, uplift our friends and rise to the occasion. Sometimes you have to reach down deep for that inner strength you did not know you had and push forward. A friend of mine told me "you can eat an elephant if you need to, just one bite at a time"- I guess that means just take things one step at a time...but when she said that I thought "I typically don't eat red meat, and aren't elephants protected by the federal governments?"

Monday, January 05, 2009

Stomping Grounds & other news

The Girlfriends Scraptacular Day, Santa Maria, CA - January 31

Okay, this day is special because Leah and Donna will be there with me. We're taking a road trip up to Santa Maria just for this event. As some of you know, the Central Coast is very special to me - it is my old stomping grounds!! I went to California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. I can't wait to show Leah & Donna around! We are each teaching a class, so there are 3 classes. In addition, I am teaching my photography workshop plus there will be 2 make-n-takes, lunch, dinner and munchies.

The cost for the 9AM to 9PM day of food, prizes, classes and cropping is $150. It's also designed to be a small group so everyone gets to know each other. If you're interested in coming, just email me at aadvphoto@aol.com and let me know, I will get you connected to the right place to register! You can also find out more at JR Designs who will be hosting the Scraptacular Day.

Yellowbird Scrapbooking Cruise - February 7-12

Leah Fung and I are also teaching on a cruise in February!!! I am looking forward to eating, swimming, relaxing by the pool, eating...oh, sorry, I mean I'm teaching my photography workshop and a mini vacation album in a cute little suitcase, and Leah is teaching her AMAZING shadow box project!!!!. We are headed for Ensenada and Cabo San Lucas - I will drink a Pacifico for those of you who can not join us.
There will be lots of cropping, make-n-takes, and much more. The cruise is with Yellowbird Scrapbooking. I'm not sure but I think there is still time to sign up. For more info, call (877) 419-1783 or email Lorelle@thecruisecrew.com.

Royal Slumber Crop - March 14 & 15
I wanted to remind you that Donna Salazar, Leah Fung, Stephanie Ackerman, and I are teaching at a 2-day charity crop on March 14th and 15th. The very fun Royal Slumber Crop is organized by Scrapbook Royalty and it will be two full days of cropping. You can crop 32 hours straight if you like plus there will be classes, meals, tea time, prizes and lots of pampering, like massages and even waxing and yoga!
It will be held at the Boys & Girls Club of San Marcos and the cost is $75 if you want to take 2 classes; $95 if you want to take all 4 classes. This is an amazing price for such a great event and up to 4 classes!!!!
Also, each participant needs to raise a minimum of $100, which will go to the Cancer Coping Center and the San Marcos Boys & Girls Club, and if you need help raising the money, Scrapbook Royalty can help you with that too.

last - but not least.... there is a new video up at Leah Fung's blog- there is a link to the right under "scrappy videos"- it will take you there. She just posted video #49!!! wow, we have finished a whole year of making videos! I really like this video, it has a ton of ideas for year in review pages.

also, anything in a different color is a link (like Cancer Coping Center and JR Designs and...) you can click directly on the word to take you there.
Happy New Year and I hope to see you at one of our upcoming events!!